
作者: 阿曼达·塔克, CISA, CDPSE
发表日期: 2023年8月15日

工作场所的神经多样性已成为2023年最热门的话题之一. 谷歌新闻搜索这个短语本身产生的结果是, 在前几页, 大部分来源于2023年发布的内容. Social media is reducing the stigma associated with discussing mental health and neurodiversity. 在TikTok, #neurodiverse had received more than 463 million views as of 1 May 2023; #Adhd and #autism each had more than 22 billion. #Ocd大约有5个.70亿次观看.

这并不奇怪. 2007年至2016年, the rate at which adults were diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) doubled.1 有趣的是,新冠肺炎大流行提高了诊断率. Informal surveys indicate that adults sought diagnoses once working from home blurred the boundaries between personal and professional time 2 日常生活被打乱了.

The most common challenges neurodiverse individuals face in the workplace are associated with executive function. Or, 正如哈佛大学儿童发展中心所总结的那样, “使我们能够计划的心理过程, 集中注意力, 记住指令, 成功地处理多个任务.”3 如果这些听起来很熟悉,那很好. 它们构成了一个有效的IT审计员应该具备的一套不言而喻的技能.

专业, challenges with executive function can take the form of an IT auditor who struggles with time management, 适当安排工作的优先次序, completing assignments and/or reengaging with work after a disruption (planned or unplanned). 这听起来很难,对吧? 没有适当的教育, one may wonder how neurodiverse individuals can be contributing members of an audit team without the need for micromanagement. 答案相对简单:借鉴敏捷的概念.


学习“冲刺”的概念. 建立具有明确目标和可交付成果的短期、经常性的工作周期. IT审计人员尤其可能从中受益, because audit programs involve discrete procedures and outcomes that are best achieved via sprint-style work. Neurodivergent个人, 尤其是那些患有多动症的人, 当有新事物出现时,你能保持更长的兴趣吗, 具有挑战性或个人兴趣(或三者兼而有之).4 The nature of sprints can help neurodivergent team members tap into their abilities to hyperfocus by changing the direction and nature of work on a consistent schedule. 例如, 在IT审计的上下文中, 神经多样性审核员可以在每个sprint中针对1到2个特定的审核项目或交付物. The short time frame and clearly defined objectives work to keep the auditor engaged and working close to their optimal output level. 与此同时,IT审计本身也取得了切实的成果. 通过持续满足或超越利益相关者的期望, IT审计团队可以在内部建立声誉.

The nature of sprints can help [neurodiverse individuals] tap into their ability to hyperfocus by changing the direction and nature of work on a consistent schedule.


经常见面往往是富有成效的. This helps address 2 common issues that often plague individuals diagnosed with ADHD or autism: Time blindness and challenges with task initiation. 时间盲目性表现在很多方面, 包括无法准确估计一项任务(或一系列任务)可能需要多长时间.5 例如,审计程序可能还剩下5个程序. 分配给该工作的IT审核员, 谁碰巧也是神经多样性的, thinks that the work will probably only take half a day and has allocated only that much time for it. 然而, 后开始, the IT auditor realizes that a certain procedure has 4 sub-steps that require deep thinking without distraction. IT审计员没有相应的计划,可能会或可能不会按时完成他们的工作. This situation could have been avoided had a daily meeting taken place and drawn attention to the fact that the procedure in question has more complicated steps and would therefore require additional time. 每次审计都是不同的, but the delayed completion could impact other project milestones or the overall project’s status.

For some people, meeting frequently could take the form of attending a daily stand-up meeting. The meeting is short, addresses the day’s tasks and potential roadblocks, and concludes quickly. 为他人, it could be weekly one-on-one meetings with a supervisor that recaps completed work and outlines upcoming assignments. 这是如何实现的因人而异, 但目标是一样的:积极地讨论进展, 在问题出现之前设置路障和制定短期计划.


一起工作可以帮助团队成员更专注于当下. 在一个完美的世界里,澳门赌场官方下载所有者和开发人员每天在敏捷项目上一起工作. 它提高了通信的质量和时间. 对于神经多样性个体, working together (either physically or virtually with cameras on) is a strategy known as body doubling.6 和别人在一起当然会促进沟通, 但是对于神经多样性的个体, 身体加倍还有一个额外的好处,那就是通过社会压力来提高生产力. 替身不需要做同样的工作, 在理想的情况下, 与神经多样性个体的互动最少. 他们的存在足以启动任务启动和计划.7

考虑到许多IT审计任务通常是远程执行的, being present is most likely to be achieved through virtual collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams, WebEx或GoToMeeting. Establishing a team culture that encourages individuals to start a meeting with another team member, 打开相机, 把麦克风静音, and work independently of each other could be the difference between a neurodivergent IT auditor deciding to begin a dreaded task or avoiding it and doing something that may not be relevant to the audit work assigned.


最后,在最大可能的范围内,围绕个人构建项目. 在他们需要的时候支持他们,但是要相信他们能够并且愿意完成工作. 这可能是一个挑战,特别是在IT审计和保证中. 基于风险的工作, compliance requirements and/or regulatory reviews likely do not ignite passion in most people. 然而, 在这些类型的项目中, 有一些特定的领域确实与个人的兴趣有关. 在可能的情况下,将它们对齐. 这对每个人都是有益的,尤其是神经多样性的个体. 虽然他们可能会在执行功能上挣扎, 他们往往也很有创造力,跳出固有思维模式. Feeding their interests and creating a connection between their interests and work is an exceptional way to overcome challenges associated with task initiation and engaging with work.


Adopting Agile-inspired techniques to address executive function challenges requires time and effort from the individual, 他们的管理层和个人所属的团队. 但是,对于审计经理来说,回报可能是可观的. 务实, sprint-style work periods and regular meetings accelerate the feedback loop— the audit manager and the auditor obtain a mutual understanding of where an assignment stands and what obstacles are in the way. IT审计更有可能按时完成,并且在最后一刻的更改更少.

活在当下,一起工作, 但是“单独”不仅会导致完成工作(因此, 完成项目), 但也可能是无意的, 低努力的团队建设机制. Casual comments made or questions posed while working together can lead to identifying shared interests or special projects. 而不仅仅是在纸上知道谁是IT审计员, an audit manager (or team) gains a better awareness of their team members’ individual strengths and weaknesses.

Engaging and retaining neurodivergent individuals means having someone on the team who is resilient, 有创造力和勇气.8 经常, neurodiverse individuals have spent their entire lives working harder than their peers in similar situations. That means that they are well versed in a try, try again mindset and that failure is acceptable. They have taught themselves to think around a problem and may come up with solutions that are not obvious to anyone else. 只要有合适的环境和一些改变, 神经发散性个体可以成为任何审计团队的资产. 这些变化使整个审计团队受益,而不仅仅是审核员.


1 钟,W.; S. Jiang; D. Paksarian, .; “Trends in the Prevalence and Incidence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among Adults and Children of Different Racial and Ethnic Groups,” JAMA网络开放,卷. 2,国际空间站. 11, 2019
2 员工。”被流行病掩盖的多动症症状:成人和儿童的诊断激增,” ADDitude杂志2022年7月25日
3 发展中的儿童中心"执行功能 & 自律哈佛大学,剑桥,马萨诸塞州,美国
4 克利夫兰诊所。”理解过度集中和注意力缺陷多动症,美国,2022年12月9日
5 布朗,J.; “时间盲目性和注意力缺陷多动症,” 焦点 关于成人多动症杂志
6 多动症报摊,”身体能帮你提高工作效率吗?
7 Stanborough R. J.; “什么是ADHD的身体加倍?Healthline2022年8月26日
8 Sherrell Z.; “ADHD的优势和益处,” 今日医学新闻2021年7月21日

阿曼达·塔克, CISA, CDPSE

是否具有10年以上经验的IT审计专业人员. 在咨询界干了一段时间之后, 在转投医疗保险之前,她曾在美国州政府工作. Tucker is passionate about humanizing IT audit and educating non-IT professionals about the work of IT auditors. 她的多动症是福也是祸. 她对这两件事都非常诚实.